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What Does UX Strategist Do

What Does a UX Strategist Do?

A UX Strategist is not just important; it's essential.

(Trust me, we learned this the hard way so you don’t have to.)

Imagine a chess player who meticulously plans several moves ahead, ensuring every piece contributes to the ultimate goal.

That's a UX Strategist – a visionary who ensures that every aspect of user experience is not only engaging but also drives the business forward.

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  • Flexibility: Ideal for long-term or shorter-term specialty projects
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What is a UX Strategist?

What Is UX Strategist

A UX Strategist is a visionary who combines UX design expertise with a keen business strategy. They craft long-term plans that bridge user needs with business goals.

This role involves a high level of analytical thinking, user research, and a strategic approach to design.

UX Strategist Specializations

UX Strategist Specializations

UX Strategy includes various specializations, each playing a unique role. These specializations include:

  • Strategic Planning: Focusing on long-term goals and how UX can drive business success.
  • User Research and Analysis: Deep diving into user behaviors, needs, and motivations.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Working with various departments to align UX with overall business strategies.

Responsibilities of a UX Strategist

Responsibilities of UX Strategist

A UX Strategist shoulders a variety of responsibilities, each critical to the intersection of user experience and business strategy, including:

Developing UX Strategies

The primary responsibility of a UX Strategist is to develop comprehensive UX strategies. They must understand both user needs and business goals to create a cohesive plan.

A UX Strategist assesses the current state of the user experience, identifies areas for improvement, and devises strategies that enhance both the user interface and the overall user journey.

Conducting Market Research

In-depth market research is a cornerstone of a UX Strategist's role. They conduct thorough research to understand market trends, competitor strategies, and emerging technologies.

By staying attuned to the market, a UX Strategist can ensure that the UX strategies they develop are not only relevant but also innovative.

Guiding UX Teams

A UX Strategist plays a pivotal role in guiding and mentoring UX teams. They must ensure that the UX strategies are effectively communicated and implemented.

They must provide direction, feedback, and support throughout the design and development process.

Skills of a UX Strategist

UX Strategist Skills

UX Strategists require a blend of technical abilities and interpersonal traits, including:

Hard Skills

  • Strategic Planning: A UX Strategist must excel in creating long-term UX strategies that align with business goals. This involves understanding market trends, user data, and business objectives to develop actionable plans.
  • User Research and Analysis: Proficiency in qualitative and quantitative research methods is crucial. This skill involves conducting surveys, interviews, and usability tests to gather insights about user needs and behaviors.
  • Data Analysis: The ability to analyze and interpret data is key. A UX Strategist uses data to inform their strategies. They make decisions based on user analytics, A/B testing results, and market research.
  • Information Architecture: Designing structured, user-friendly content layouts is essential. They must organize information in a way that is intuitive and accessible to users.
  • Prototyping and Wireframing: Creating prototypes and wireframes is fundamental in visualizing and testing concepts. This skill requires proficiency in various design tools and an understanding of user-centered design principles.
  • Project Management: A UX Strategist often oversees projects from conception to completion. They require strong project management skills to ensure timely and effective implementation of UX strategies.

Soft Skills

  • Communication: Effective communication is vital for articulating UX visions, strategies, and design rationales to stakeholders and team members.
  • Leadership: As a guide for UX teams, a UX Strategist needs strong leadership skills to inspire, direct, and motivate team members. They must foster a collaborative and productive environment.
  • Problem-Solving: A UX Strategist must think critically and creatively to address complex UX issues.
  • Empathy: Understanding and empathizing with users is at the core of UX design. This skill involves the ability to put oneself in the user's shoes to create experiences that truly resonate with them.
  • Adaptability: A UX Strategist must be adaptable and ready to pivot strategies in response to new trends, technologies, and user feedback.
  • Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail ensures that all aspects of the user experience are considered and refined.
  • Collaboration: Working effectively with cross-functional teams is essential. A UX Strategist must collaborate with designers, developers, marketers, and other stakeholders to ensure a unified approach to UX.
  • Decision-Making: A UX Strategist must balance various factors, such as user needs, business goals, and technical constraints, to make decisions that benefit the overall strategy.

UX Strategist Process

UX Strategy Process

The process followed by a UX Strategist is methodical and structured, ensuring that every step contributes effectively to the overarching strategy.

Research and Analysis

The first and perhaps most critical phase in the UX Strategist's process is Research and Analysis.

In this stage, the strategist conducts extensive research to gather insights about the users, the market, and the industry.

The goal is to accumulate a wealth of data that will inform and shape the UX strategy, ensuring it is grounded in real-world context and user-centric principles.

Strategy Development

During Strategy Development, they assess the insights gathered during research to create a comprehensive UX strategy.

The strategist:

  • defines clear objectives
  • identifies key user personas
  • outlines the approach for achieving a seamless and effective user experience

Implementation Guidance

Once the strategy is in place, the UX Strategist oversees its Implementation. They work closely with UX designers, developers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the strategic vision is accurately translated into the product.

Continuous Evaluation

The final phase in the UX Strategist's process is Continuous Evaluation. In this stage, the strategist assesses the effectiveness of the implemented strategy.

They again conduct usability tests, gather user feedback, and analyze user interaction data. Based on the results, they identify areas for improvement and refine the strategy accordingly.

Signs You Need a UX Strategist

Signs You Need UX Strategist

Recognizing when your business requires the expertise of a UX Strategist is crucial. Here are some key indicators:

Misalignment Between Product and Market Needs

When there's a disconnect between what your product offers and what your users actually need/expect, a UX Strategist can help.

This professional can bridge the gap by realigning your product's design and functionality with the actual demands and preferences of your target market. They help ensure your product resonates more effectively with its intended users.

Inconsistent User Experience Across Products

A lack of consistency in the user experience across different products or platforms is a major red flag.

A UX Strategist can establish a unified UX vision and strategy. They ensure that all products deliver a consistent and seamless user experience. This consistency is key to building brand trust and loyalty among users.

Current UX Does Not Meet Business Goals

If your current UX approach is not contributing to the overall success of your business, it's time to bring in a UX Strategist.

They evaluate the existing user experience. Based on the data, they devise strategies that not only enhance UX but also support and drive business objectives.

Poor User Engagement

Low user engagement, such as high bounce rates or minimal interaction with your product, suggests that the user experience is not meeting user expectations.

A UX Strategist can analyze user behavior and preferences to identify the root causes of poor engagement. From there, they develop strategies to create a more engaging and satisfying user experience.

Declining Conversion Rates

If you're noticing a drop in conversion rates, it could be due to a suboptimal user experience.

A UX Strategist can examine the user journey and optimize it to improve conversions. They will refine your UX so it effectively guides users toward the desired action.

Rapid Market or Technology Changes

In an environment where market trends and technologies are rapidly evolving, a UX Strategist can help your business stay ahead.

They can anticipate and adapt to these changes, ensuring that your UX strategy remains relevant and effective.

How Much Does a UX Strategist Cost?

How Much Does UX Strategist Cost

The average salary for a UX Strategist in the United States is approximately $110,622 per year, according to Glassdoor. The total pay range typically falls between $98,000 and $148,000 per year.

For more experienced UX Strategists, especially those working in high-paying industries like financial services, salaries can be significantly higher. For instance, in the financial services industry, the median total pay for a UX Strategist is around $155,482 per year.

Best Place to Find a UX Strategist

Best Place to Find UX Strategist

For businesses in need of skilled UX Strategists, Toptal is the best option.

Toptal uses a highly selective approach to bring you a curated list of top talent. Since they only let in the top 3% of applicants, you can be sure you’re getting experienced and qualified prospects.

Read our Toptal review.

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  • Top Talent: Get access to elite, pre-screened candidates (only accepts the top 3%)
  • Flexibility: Ideal for long-term or shorter-term specialty projects
  • 14-Day Risk-Free Trial: Only get billed if you're satisfied

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a UX Strategist do?

A UX Strategist develops and implements strategies that align user experience with business objectives.

When do I need a UX Strategist?

When your business seeks to enhance its product's user experience in line with strategic business goals.

How much does it cost to hire a UX Strategist?

Hiring a full-time UX Strategist may cost between $98,000 and $148,000 per year, but you may be able to save by hiring one part-time or as a freelancer.

Is a UX Strategist worth hiring?

Yes a UX strategist is worth it, especially for businesses looking to strategically leverage UX for long-term success.