Don't Do It Yourself
Best Freelance Websites to Find Work

7 Best Freelance Websites to Find Work [2023 Edition]

Ready to leave the 9-to-5 and set your own schedule and rates? It may be time to try freelancing.

Once seen as “not a real job,” freelancing is now a viable career path for people with a variety of skills and talents.

Here are the best sites that you can join to find freelancing work.

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Top Freelance Websites to Find Work

1. Upwork

Most popular site

Upwork Logo Main

A great option for folks of any specialty just starting in the world of freelancing is Upwork.

Upwork [review] makes it easy to find job openings that match your skills and level of experience.

You have a certain amount of connections per month, each corresponding to the quantity and quality of jobs you can apply to. You get a few for free each month, but you do have to buy more if you run out.

Upwork is the first site I used as a freelance copywriter, and it ultimately led me to where I am today, so I’m personally a fan of the site to find work.

They do take a 20% service fee on any earnings you make, but you do have the option to set your rates (and change them as you get more experience.)


  • Popular platform with a wide variety of job openings.
  • Suitable for freelancers of any specialty and experience level.
  • Provides a certain amount of free connections per month.
  • Allows freelancers to set their own rates.
  • Good for both beginners and experienced freelancers.


  • Takes a 20% service fee on earnings.
  • Limited free connections may require purchasing more.
  • Highly competitive, making it hard for beginners to stand out.

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2. Fiverr

Best for beginners

Fiverr Logo Main

Fiverr has been out there for ages and has a huge following among businesses of all sizes, making it a great place to get started as a freelancer.

One of the best things about Fiverr [review] is that anyone can create a profile for any specialty. Some of the popular services offered by freelancers on Fiverr include web design and development and freelance writing, but freelancers offer other unique skills like online tutoring and even gaming or voiceover.

If you have a talent or hobby, chances are you can turn it into a side gig with a profile on Fiverr.

We like this for beginners because it’s so easy to make a new profile and get started immediately. You also have access to a large community of freelancers that you can connect with and improve your freelancing ability.


  • Great for beginners with a user-friendly platform.
  • Wide range of services offered, from web design to unique skills.
  • Large community of freelancers for networking.
  • No need for bidding; clients approach you based on your profile.
  • Good for freelancers with niche skills.


  • Can be challenging to get noticed due to high competition.
  • Some services are undervalued, affecting pricing standards.
  • Fiverr takes a 20% commission on each sale.

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3. TaskRabbit

Best for local freelance work 

TaskRabbit Logo Main

If you’re looking for a local, one-off, in-person gig, TaskRabbit is the best place to look for work.

This site offers everything from IKEA furniture assembly to fixing a toilet to gardening and cleaning, making it a great place for folks with a knack for anything to earn an extra buck. Most tasks take only an hour or two, so it’s great if you have a free Saturday afternoon and need extra cash.

Taskers do have to pay a $25 registration fee upfront but can then set their rates and hours, offering whichever services they want. Freelancers can set up a map of where they’re willing to travel for work and availability.


  • Ideal for local, in-person freelance work.
  • Offers a variety of tasks from furniture assembly to gardening.
  • Freelancers can set their own rates and hours.
  • Good for freelancers preferring physical tasks over digital services.
  • Allows for immediate, tangible work opportunities.


  • Requires a $25 registration fee.
  • Limited to local opportunities; not suitable for remote work.
  • Work availability can be inconsistent.

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4. Freelancer

Largest community

Freelancer Logo Main

Freelancer [review] is one of the original freelancing marketplace platforms, and, as such, has the largest community of freelancers.

Freelancers can easily set up a free profile and search through job postings to find ones that fit their talents.

If you’re strapped for cash, you can search for urgent requests from clients who require a freelancer to complete a project within the next 24 hours. These requests often pay more since they are on such a tight deadline.


  • One of the largest communities of freelancers.
  • Wide range of job postings across various fields.
  • Free to set up a profile and start searching for jobs.
  • Offers urgent job requests for quick, higher-paying work.
  • Suitable for freelancers at all levels.


  • Highly competitive platform.
  • Commission fees on earnings.
  • Some job postings may have lower budgets.

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5. Flexjobs

Best opportunity to transition to full-time

Flexjobs Logo Main

Flexjobs matches freelancers with clients based on project and contract length.

This makes it a great option for freelancers who may be looking for a gig with the opportunity to transition to a full-time position if they decide they want to.

Flexjobs does a bit more thorough vetting than Upwork or Fiverr when it comes to both freelancers and companies using their services, so both you and the business hiring you have been checked out. This process gives both of you more security.


  • Matches freelancers with clients based on project and contract length.
  • Good for freelancers seeking longer-term projects or full-time opportunities.
  • Thorough vetting process for freelancers and companies.
  • Offers more security and potentially higher-quality jobs.
  • Ideal for freelancers looking for stable, ongoing work.


  • May not have as many short-term or one-off project opportunities.
  • The vetting process can be time-consuming.
  • Subscription fee for access to job listings.

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6. Dribbble

Best for designers

Dribbble Logo Main

If you fancy yourself more of a visual artist, Dribbble is the freelancing site you should check out.

Freelancing designers can find jobs in everything from product design to illustration and even animation.

It’s easy to showcase your talent on Dribbble since you can post your stellar portfolio to get possible clients to check you out.

They even offer courses for young and new designers to refine their skills and learn more about their industry, making it great for newer designers.

There is also the option for a pro membership that costs $5 to $15 per month and grants you access to premium features and exclusive job postings.


  • Specialized platform for designers.
  • Ideal for showcasing portfolios and visual work.
  • Offers courses for designers to refine skills.
  • Pro membership grants access to premium features and job postings.
  • Good for networking with other designers.


  • Niche focus limits opportunities for non-designers.
  • Pro membership requires a monthly fee.
  • Can be competitive for new designers to get noticed.

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7. Angel List

Best for freelancers who want to work with startups

AngelList Logo Main
Want to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new company? Angel List is your go-to.

This site uniquely focuses on freelancers that are interested in working with startups as clients. Since they do place their focus on such a unique niche, you can find exclusive opportunities with businesses at their beginning stages. This lends itself to the possibility of growing alongside and with their business.

It’s also important to note that Angel List is recruiting freelancers specifically in the tech space, so it’s great for freelancers looking for remote tech positions.


  • Unique focus on startups and tech companies.
  • Offers exclusive opportunities with early-stage businesses.
  • Ideal for freelancers interested in the tech industry.
  • Potential for long-term collaboration with growing startups.
  • Good for remote tech positions.


  • Limited to tech and startup jobs.
  • May not be suitable for freelancers in non-tech fields.
  • Startups may have limited budgets compared to established companies.

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How to Become a Freelancer?

How to Become a Freelancer

Today, becoming a freelancer is easier than ever.

The first step is to identify what your talents, abilities, and interests are. Do you have an eye for design? Do you want to become a coder? Can you speak multiple languages and offer translation services? Most of us have hidden talents that have lied dormant and we just need to uncover them. That’s the first step.

If you want to learn more about something, take an online class or do some research to make sure you can be good at that job.

Once you’re sure of your talent, create a profile on one of the large freelancer marketplace platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer.

Search out jobs that interest you and ones that match your abilities and talents. Apply and reach out.

You’re probably going to have to set low rates at first and work some gigs that aren’t the most glamorous, but as you gain experience and get better at what you do, you’ll collect a network of clients that trust you and will come back to you with more work.

Benefits of Freelancing

Benefits of Freelancing

There’s a reason that so many people are leaving their 9-to-5s in favor of a more flexible career as a freelancer.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of freelancing for a living.

Set your own hours

One of the biggest reasons people choose to become a freelancer is the flexibility it allows them.

You can set your own hours as a freelancer. Have an article that your client needs Thursday? You can work at night on Monday, make it to a dentist’s appointment Tuesday morning, catch a matinee, and work in short bursts if you please without having to ask for time off.

This is great for people who have inconsistent life schedules or short attention spans that require them to work at a different pace.

Name your price

With a regular job, your pay is set by your employer. As a freelancer, you set your rates based on your experience and ability.

Many freelancers find that they make more money than they did at their old traditional jobs.

Work more or less

Have extra free time or find yourself strapped for cash? You can probably find an extra gig.

Need to take a break? Take on less work.

Rather than deal with the workload that a boss sets up for you, you can work more or less as you please by accepting projects only when you want to.

Work anywhere

The term “digital nomad” is very real in the freelancing world.

As long as you have wifi, you can usually work from anywhere in the world.

This makes freelancing a great option for people who want to travel around the world or get bored staying in the office all day. The time difference is also often a non-factor.

Even working from home, freelancers always have the option to take their laptops to their favorite coffee shop for the day.

How to Choose the Right Freelance Website to Work For

How to Choose Right Freelance Website

To pick the right freelance site to work for, think seriously about your abilities, experience, and availability.

If you’re just getting started, we recommend setting up an easy, free account on Fiverr or Upwork to start building your resume.

If you happen to be talented in design, try a specialized site like Dribbble. Want to work with a startup? Try Angel List.

As you gain experience and improve your skill, you can look into more advanced, vetted sites like Toptal or Upstack.

The great thing about freelancing sites is that you can create profiles on as many or few sites as you want, allowing you endless work opportunities.