Don't Do It Yourself
Best SMS Software for eCommcerce

Best SMS Marketing Software for eCommerce

To excel in the world of eCommerce, staying connected with customers in a direct and efficient manner is crucial. This is where SMS marketing software comes into play, enabling eCommerce businesses to engage with their customers through personalized text messages.

But how do you choose the right software?

To help you find the ideal SMS marketing software for your eCommerce venture, we've compiled a list of top contenders, highlighting their key features, pros, cons, and pricing structures.

Best for Small Businesses



  • Easiest platform to use
  • Have two-way conversations with customers
  • Good customer support & resources for beginners

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Best for Medium to Enterprise

TextMagic Logo New


  • Easily scale up or down with pay-as-you-go pricing
  • Convert emails into SMS with their "Email to SMS Gateway"
  • Team-sharing function for easy collaboration 

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Most Integrations

Mobile Text Alerts

Mobile Text Alerts

  • Affordable monthly starting cost of $20 (paid annually)
  • 5,000+ integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and more

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Best SMS Marketing Software for eCommerce

1. Klaviyo

Best for: Comprehensive SMS marketing campaigns

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Klaviyo SMS is a powerful marketing automation platform that extends its capabilities to SMS marketing, making it a top choice for eCommerce businesses.

With Klaviyo's SMS features, you can segment your audience effectively and send highly personalized text messages to engage customers. With the ability to manage your email campaigns along with your SMS campaigns, Klaviyo is a great comprehensive option.


  • Advanced segmentation for precise targeting
  • Automated SMS flows based on customer behavior
  • Integration with eCommerce platforms
  • A/B testing for SMS campaigns


  • Seamless integration with eCommerce platforms
  • Robust analytics and reporting
  • Multi-channel marketing capabilities
  • Highly customizable SMS flows


  • Higher pricing for larger businesses
  • Learning curve for beginners


Klaviyo's pricing varies based on the number of contacts you have. It offers a free plan for up to 250 contacts, with paid plans starting at $20/month.

2. SMSBump

Best for: Recovering abandoned carts

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SMSBump specializes in automating SMS campaigns, making it an excellent choice for eCommerce businesses looking to recover abandoned carts, send product recommendations, and more.


  • Abandoned cart recovery via SMS
  • Product upselling through text messages
  • Personalized SMS campaigns
  • SMS marketing analytics


  • User-friendly interface
  • Dedicated features for abandoned cart recovery
  • Integration with popular eCommerce platforms
  • Built-in link shortening for tracking


  • Limited customization compared to some other platforms
  • Some advanced features require higher-tier plans


SMSBump offers a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $19/month and vary based on the number of text messages sent.

3. Attentive

Best for: Building SMS subscriber lists

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Attentive is known for its visually appealing and interactive SMS messages. It's a great option for eCommerce businesses aiming to grow their SMS subscriber lists and engage customers through compelling content.


  • Visually appealing multimedia messages
  • List-building tools for growing SMS subscribers
  • Segmentation and targeting options
  • Real-time reporting and analytics


  • Focus on engaging and interactive messages
  • Strong emphasis on list growth
  • Integration with eCommerce platforms
  • Compliance with SMS marketing regulations


  • Limited automation capabilities compared to some competitors
  • Higher pricing for larger lists


Attentive's pricing is customized based on your business needs. Contact their sales team for a quote.

4. TextMagic

Best for: Straightforward SMS marketing solution.

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TextMagic is a simple yet effective SMS marketing platform suitable for smaller eCommerce businesses. It offers essential features for sending promotional messages, updates, and notifications to customers.

In addition to the software being easy to use, TextMagic also integrates with Zapier, opening up a new world of automation.


  • Bulk SMS sending
  • Two-way SMS communication
  • Contact management and segmentation
  • API integration for custom solutions


  • User-friendly interface
  • Two-way communication capabilities
  • Integration with CRM and email services
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing option


  • Lacks advanced automation features
  • Limited template customization


TextMagic offers pay-as-you-go pricing, starting at 4.5 cents per text message. Monthly subscription plans are available as well.

5. Postscript

Best for: Seamless Shopify integration

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Postscript is designed specifically for Shopify users, making it an excellent choice for eCommerce businesses built on this platform. It offers a range of SMS marketing features tailored to enhance customer engagement and boost sales.


  • Automated cart recovery
  • Customer segmentation and targeting
  • SMS marketing analytics and reporting
  • Integration with Shopify for seamless workflows


  • Native integration with Shopify
  • Dedicated features for abandoned cart recovery
  • Customizable opt-in processes
  • Easy-to-use interface


  • Limited integrations outside of Shopify
  • May require additional integrations for non-Shopify users


Postscript's pricing varies based on the number of text messages sent. It offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans starting at $25/month.

6. Omnisend

Best for: Multi-channel marketing

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Omnisend is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that goes beyond SMS marketing to include email, push notifications, and more. It's ideal for eCommerce businesses seeking a multi-channel approach.

Omnisend also makes things easy, meaning you can spend more time on your business. Plus, they have features like abandoned cart reminders, shipping confirmation, and updates that can be automated.


  • SMS automation workflows
  • Segmentation and personalization options
  • Integration with eCommerce platforms
  • Multi-channel marketing automation


  • Robust multi-channel capabilities
  • Behavior-based automation
  • Customizable templates for SMS campaigns
  • Built-in reporting and analytics


  • Learning curve for beginners
  • May be overwhelming for smaller businesses with simpler needs


Omnisend's pricing is based on the number of subscribers. It offers a free plan with limited features, and paid plans start at $16/month.

7. EZ Texting

Best for: Small to medium-sized eCommerce businesses seeking simplicity and affordability

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EZ Texting is a straightforward SMS marketing platform suitable for businesses of all sizes. It offers essential features for sending SMS messages, making it a cost-effective option for those with simpler needs.


  • Bulk SMS sending
  • Two-way communication
  • Contact management and segmentation
  • Keyword campaigns for lead generation


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Keyword campaigns for lead generation
  • Polling and voting features for interactive engagement
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing option


  • Limited automation compared to some competitors
  • Advanced features may be lacking for more complex campaigns


EZ Texting offers pay-as-you-go pricing, starting at 4 cents per text message. Monthly subscription plans are available as well.

What Is SMS Marketing for eCommerce?

eCommerce and Text Messaging SMS

SMS marketing for eCommerce involves sending text messages to customers for promotional, transactional, or informational purposes. It's a direct and effective way to engage with customers, share product updates, offer discounts, and recover abandoned carts.

It can be used on its own or, better yet, with a more comprehensive marketing plan, like if you’re working with an eCommerce marketing agency.

What Are the Benefits of SMS for eCommerce?

Benefits of SMS for eCommerce

Customers usually have their phones within reach, which translates to the following benefits for SMS marketing:

  • High Open Rates: Text messages have exceptionally high open rates, ensuring that your messages are seen by customers.
  • Instant Communication: SMS delivers messages almost instantly, making it ideal for time-sensitive offers and updates.
  • Personalized Engagement: SMS allows for personalized content based on customer preferences and behaviors.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: SMS can effectively remind customers about items left in their carts and encourage them to complete their purchases.

Check out our ready-to-use SMS templates for eCommerce stores >>

How Does Texting for eCommerce Work?

How Does Texting for eCommerce Work

Texting for eCommerce involves using an SMS marketing platform to create and send text messages to your subscribers. These messages can include promotional offers, order confirmations, shipping updates, and more.

The platform helps you manage contacts, segment audiences, and track campaign performance.

How To Choose the Right SMS Software for eCommerce

How to Choose Right SMS Software for eCommerce

Ultimately, finding the right SMS software for your eCommerce business will depend on what you need. That being said, there are some standard things to consider:

  • Features: Consider the features offered, such as segmentation, automation, and integration with your eCommerce platform.
  • Ease of Use: Choose a platform that aligns with your team's skill level and technical expertise.
  • Integration: Ensure the software integrates with your eCommerce platform and other tools you use.
  • Scalability: Consider whether the software can accommodate your business's growth.
  • Pricing: Evaluate the pricing structure and choose a solution that fits your budget.

Best for Small Businesses



  • Easiest platform to use
  • Have two-way conversations with customers
  • Good customer support & resources for beginners

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Best for Medium to Enterprise

TextMagic Logo New


  • Easily scale up or down with pay-as-you-go pricing
  • Convert emails into SMS with their "Email to SMS Gateway"
  • Team-sharing function for easy collaboration 

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Most Integrations

Mobile Text Alerts

Mobile Text Alerts

  • Affordable monthly starting cost of $20 (paid annually)
  • 5,000+ integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and more

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Industry Specific SMS Guides

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I send images or multimedia through SMS marketing?

Some platforms, like Attentive, support multimedia messages, but be mindful of file sizes and compatibility.

How often should I send SMS messages to customers?

The frequency should strike a balance between staying top-of-mind and avoiding annoyance. It’s best to run tests to find the optimal frequency.

Can I automate SMS marketing campaigns?

Yes, most SMS marketing software offers automation features for scheduled campaigns and triggered messages.

What's the difference between SMS and MMS marketing?

SMS involves sending text-only messages, while MMS allows you to send multimedia content like images, videos, and GIFs.

Can I track the success of my SMS campaigns?

Yes, SMS marketing platforms provide analytics to track delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and more.